Monthly Archives: August 2016

Something Good


We don’t have pumpkins in our garden this year, and I miss them.

1. Tears for Fears – “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” on hammered dulcimer by Ted Yoder.

2. 37 Times Moms Totally Owned Parenting Humor On Twitter.

3. “My three-and-a-half-year-old son likes to play trucks. He likes to do jigsaw puzzles. He likes to eat plums. And he likes to wear sparkly tutus.” Everything about this.

4. 10 MUTTS Comic Strips That Remind Us Why We Love Dogs.

5. He’s known simply as Mr. Happy, and he’s been delighting morning commuters for 30 years.

6. Leslie Jones faces constant abuse – because that’s how racism works. In related news, Celebrities Rally Around Leslie Jones After Vicious Internet Hack.

7. I created the burkini to give women freedom, not to take it away.

8. N. K. Jemisin on Diversity in Science Fiction and Inspiration From Dreams.

9. This Company Lets Kids Design Their Own Clothes. In related news, Custom Stuffed Animals from Kids’ Drawings & Art.

10. Grace VanderWaal blows the judges (and us!) away with another original song on “America’s Got Talent.” I shared this on Facebook this caption: “Dear Fame, please, please, please don’t ruin her. She’s a beautiful thing.”

11. One of my favorite writers started a blog.

12. Color film was designed for white people. Here’s what it did to dark skin.

13. This 9-year-old distributes handmade toiletry bags for homeless women in L.A with her charity Khloe Kares. #BlackGirlMagic In related news, Compassion you can hold on to: Khloe makes bags for homeless women in her neighborhood and fills them with supplies.

14. This is so disgusting: Pharma CEO gave herself an $18 million raise after hiking EpiPen prices and Big Pharma’s dirty secret: EpiPen was developed entirely with taxpayer money.

15. ZenPen E-Course. This latest installment is going to be so great, because “To celebrate the release of my book and card deck Body Cards: Insight from the Body, Wisdom for the Soul, I will be offering ZenPen for FREE this autumn! I’ve also recently re-vamped ZenPen to include wisdom from Body Cards, so you’ll be able to get to know many of the cards in this month-long experience.”

16. David Becker charged with sexually assaulting 2 women, only gets 2 years’ probation. The tagline for this link came up as “this is a problematic trend.” Ya think?!

17. A professional opinion: You don’t need a psychiatrist to know there’s something wrong with Donald Trump.

Trump should never be president, but not because he may or may not have a mental disorder. He shouldn’t be president because he disparages women, denigrates Mexicans and Muslims and mocks the disabled. He shouldn’t be president because he demonizes the media and impugns those who challenge him. He shouldn’t be president because he insinuates that his rivals might be assassinated and advocates the commission of war crimes. He shouldn’t be president because he rejects science and demonstrates a remarkable lack of knowledge or interest when it comes to foreign and domestic policy.

18. What the media gets wrong about Donald Trump’s voters. *Spoiler alert: Trump supporters shared fundamental confusion? Fear of other.

19. The Only Way To Respond When Someone Says They Support Trump. “What black people need is dismantling of white supremacy in all of its forms.” I’d go further and say this is what America needs. In related news, What we can all do to be better Americans.

20. Police pull their guns on a 5th grader. This makes me so angry I want to throw up. This poor kid! I keep thinking about where I was, what I had to worry about in the fifth grade. This can’t keep happening. We have to do better. I want to do better.

21. The Art of Humility from Jena Schwartz.

22. Writing Is Work, And It’s Art, Except When It’s Not. In related news, and also from Chuck Wendig, Longevity, Patience, And Shittin’ Pants.

23. Knowing What’s Best vs Doing What’s Best. “Make the appointment. Ask the question. Do the things you would do for the people you love, you are every bit as deserving of care as they are. You might be surprised by just how much your family wants to and is able to do for you.”

24. where should we start? a beautifully written piece about depression and addiction.

25. What Makes a Good Life: Revelatory Learnings from Harvard’s 75-Year Study of Human Happiness. *Spoiler alert: “The clearest message that we get from this 75-year study is this: Good relationships keep us happier and healthier.”

26. These cartoons hilariously describe the double standards women face at work every day.

27. Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay: questions to ask before giving up. I’ve shared this, probably more than once, but it’s worth another reminder.

28. Six Ted Talks for dog lovers.

29. SNL – Breaking Character Compilation, part one and part two.

30. Why Katy Perry Made Me Cry from Jamie Greenwood. “We are burdened by pieces of ourselves that make no sense.”

31. Are you hanging by a thread? from Danielle LaPorte.

32. What Are the Three Kinds of Suffering? from Lion’s Roar.

33. If You Don’t Get The Problem With Cultural Appropriation, Listen To This.

34. Recipes I want to try: zucchini rice and cheese gratin and Sliced Tomato Gratin and Baked Coconut Chicken Strips and Four Three-Ingredient Appetizers.

35. 7 Yoga Poses To Help You Sleep Better.

36. Why Starting Therapy Is So Freaking Hard.

37. Community Cleans Up ‘KKK’ Graffiti On Family’s Home Before They Return.

Day of Rest


I am…compassion. “Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.” –Andrew Boyd, Daily Afflictions: The Agony of Being Connected to Everything in the The Universe #augustbreak2016 #AwakeAugust