

1. Morning walks. I did two this week, am aiming for three next. We’ve had a true Colorado spring this past week, with some days up to 78 degrees and some days of snow. Ringo has arthritis in his elbows and was feeling pretty stiff yesterday, so this next week’s walks will most likely be slower and shorter, and that’s fine by me.


2. Practice. Keeping me sane, enabling me to stay here.

3. Brunch with Cynthia and Chloe’. Cynthia was on a road trip that would bring her our way, so she was able to stop and visit. We’ve been writing together for years, but had never met each other in person. My Friday morning wild-ish writing sangha is one of the most powerful practices I have and I’m so grateful for the other humans who continue to practice with me. 

4. Good food. I am still learning how to feed myself because the “little me” whose access was restricted in the name of “health” and because of scarcity, and the younger me who made her own choice to restrict because she thought that made her “healthy” and “good” and maybe even attractive, are both SO hungry, still. It’s a delicate balance, between them and the me now, and I’m still figuring it out. 

5. My tiny family, small house, little life. Only a few more weeks until we pack up the car and head to Oregon for a bit. I am dreaming of the beach, where we’ll be for most of our stay, just the three of us, exactly how I like it.

Bonus joy: clean sheets, naps, listening to podcasts, cooking, writing in the early morning with my HappyLight and a warm cup of green tea, boundaries, giving myself permission to let go, stained glass when the light hits it, snow covered blooms, gummies, getting in the pool and sauna, going out to eat, comedy, good movies and TV on streaming, good kids in our neighborhood we can hire to do yardwork and water the plants when we are away, getting to see Chloe’ in person THREE times in one week, how much Ringo LOVES her (almost as much as me), new tires on my car, stickers, yoga (feels so good after a long break), mantra practice, meditation practice, dreaming that both my mom and dad recovered and were living their lives like they did 20 years ago, good surgery outcomes for two of my aunts, quiet, how peaceful and comfortable my home feels to me, endless opportunities to start over, photo magnets, Pancho complaining in the background as Chloe’ read, Indy being adopted by a member of his original person’s family, animal rescues and rescuers, hospice nurses and aides, the joy of picking which book to read next, hoodies, wool socks, down pillows and blankets, caramelized onions, paprika, fresh chicken eggs, a warm shower, reading in bed at night while Eric and Ringo sleep.   

6 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Michelle G.

    I love all your beautiful pictures! 78 degrees sounds very hot to me! The swings back and forth from hot to cold are tough. I totally understand what you’re saying about learning to feed yourself. I am too. And like you, I’m so grateful for all the delicious food available to us!

  2. Melanie R

    I always smile when I read your bonus joys because so many of them are mine, too. Ah, another adult sticker person! I thought me and Kari were the only ones. 😉 I just picked up two more yesterday. Where I’m going to put them, I don’t know. My water bottle is covered and so is my (old) laptop. Saving them for a new laptop cover? 😉

    What is the egg dish that looks like it has shredded zucchini in it? Looks good!

    1. jillsalahub Post author

      I write every morning, so go through about one notebook every month, and my favorite day is when I get to start a new one and pick a sticker to put on the cover.

      The original recipe for the egg bake is Easy Zucchini Slice Recipe, (yes, a recipe for toddlers), but I’ve modified it: six or more eggs instead of five, only 1/2 a cup of flour or even less (a full cup makes it too stodgy imho), probably more like a cup of cheese, and I add other things like chopped spinach and broccoli, bacon or ham, and caramelized onions.


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