Tag Archives: Humans of New York

Something Good

Lory State Park, image by Eric

Lory State Park, image by Eric

1. Humans of New York. This project is consistently one of my favorite things. The current series about refugees that Brandon is sharing is amazing, heartbreaking and beautiful. P.S. Any of the Humans of New York books would make great holiday gifts.

2. Call this number and a live person will sing you any Christmas song, 24/7. Really. This is SO cool.

3. Neil Gaiman Reads “A Christmas Carol.” OMG. I could listen to him read the phonebook… *swoon*

4. Romantic moment this morning at the farm! A cute video of two dogs in front of the fire — when you want to play, but you are too warm and sleepy.

5. Orangutan finds magic trick hilarious… Stupid cute video.

6. A Thank You Gift, “a free downloadable PDF containing the process I utilise each year to review how that year has gone and to being the creation process for the next year” from Life is Limitless.

7. Mandy Patinkin visits Lesbos, Greece. “Actor and activist, Mandy Patinkin witnesses first-hand the situation in Greece, where many thousands of refugees have been arriving. Escaping life from war-torn countries, refugees hope to have a better life.” To help: https://engage.rescue.org/donate/mandypatinkin

8. Being A Girl: A Brief Personal History of Violence. *sigh*

9. Photographer Captures Soulful Portraits Of Man’s Best Friend. Stupid cute…

10. New Embroidered Leaves by Hillary Fayle. I love so much that there are people who think to do this sort of thing, who do it and then share it with the rest of us.

11. ‘The higher the hair, the closer to God’: Glorious BIG hair from the 1960s. I’m just gonna say it: fashion can be so dumb.

12. Bun Bun, Destroyer of Leaves! My aunt had a bunny named Willy when I was a kid, and this little bun reminds me so much of him.

13. Wisdom from Arianna Huffington, speaking at the BlogHer conference in July 2014, “We need to change the delusion that we need to burn out in order to succeed. We have a much better understanding of the battery status of our iPhone than the state of our own wellbeing.” Oh, snap!

14. I was a respectable, high-functioning junkie. I wholeheartedly recommend everything Jennifer Matesa has ever written about addiction.

15. We’re coming for you 2016!, Susannah Conway’s “Unravelling The Year Ahead” workbook (FREE!), which has become a yearly ritual for me. She’s also offering a free 5-day course, Find Your Word for 2016. (P.S. I think my word is going to be “path” but I’m going to do this course just to be sure).

16. Embroidered Psychological Landscapes by Michelle Kingdom. Beautiful and a tiny bit creepy.

17. Mother Cat Brings Her Kittens To Meet An Unlikely Old Friend. Spoiler alert: it’s a dog.

18. Mind-wandering: the rise of a new anti-mindfulness movement, an interesting perspective.

19. The Internet Criticizes Reese’s Peanut Butter Trees, But Then Reese’s Drops The Most Witty Response. So perfect.

20. Text Santa Downton Abbey, a hilarious spoof with the actual actors from the show, almost as good as Downton Arby’s.

21. 20 Reasons Life Gets Way Too Complicated from Marc and Angel Hack Life.

22. 27 Question to Ask Instead of “What Do You Do?”, a set of great options on Medium.

23. Centered and complete, and Light on your feet, wisdom from Seth Godin.

24. No One Gets to be a Messiah: On Quiet Acts of Kindness + The Human Reality (Sometimes Life Does Actually Suck), such an important read, from Meg Worden.

25. 15 holiday gift ideas. (Mostly “experiences.” Not much “stuff.”) from Alexandra Franzen, a nice reminder that we don’t always need to buy stuff to show someone they matter to us.

26. 8 Meaningful Gifts to Support a Simple Life from Be More With Less.

27. How to find your voice from Austin Kleon.

28. Truthbomb #949 from Danielle LaPorte, “The best self-help is self-compassion.”

30. Wisdom from Brave Girls Club, “It’s a great day to put down the heavy bag of rocks called expectation and worry…and to just let yourself be…to just do your best, and then let it be.”

31. Inspiration + Aspiration on Zen Habits.

32. Easing someone’s suffering…without suffering. Is it possible? from Danielle LaPorte.

33. No alcohol, no coffee for 15 months. This is what happened.

34. She Who Hears the Cries of the World by Christina Feldman, a great article on compassion. “The path of compassion is cultivated one step and one moment at a time. Each of those steps lessens the mountain of sorrow in the world.”

Something Good

1. Wisdom from The Zen of an Aching Heart by Jack Kornfield,

Sometimes suffering the losses and the unexpected betrayals and break-ups that befall each of us becomes the places where we grow deepest in our capacity to lead an authentic and free life. Often by working our way through our difficulties, our ability to love and feel compassion for ourselves and others deepens, along with the wisdom that will help us through similar problems in the future. And learning how to survive our present difficulties is one of the few things that will help us to know the right things to say and do when others whom we love suffer as well.

2. Wisdom from Elizabeth Gilbert on Facebook, The Most Important Words of My Life and Don’t Live Somebody Else’s Dream.

3. Why I Will Never Use Microsoft Word Again by Jeff Goins.

4. Real Love Is a Choice on Huffington Post.

5. Simplicity is Not a Destination from Be More With Less.

6. Healing for the Inner Good Girl from Mara Glatzel.

7. Wisdom from Anna Guest-Jelley‘s newsletter,

I’ve recently been reading The Endless Practice: Becoming Who You Were Born to Be by Mark Nepo…I wanted to share with you one of the gems from the book that I’m continuing to carry in my heart: “No matter how hard we work, the aim and purpose of practice is not to be done with it, but to immerse ourselves so completely in life by any means that we for the moment, are life itself living. Excellence, if we achieve it, is a welcome by-product of complete immersion. But the reward for practice is a thoroughness of being.”

8. How to train for your writing marathon from Sarah Selecky.

9. My Sweet Lil Fifties Rig, Reborn! from Laura Resau.

10. Raising Geeks from Brittany, Herself.

11. This Humans of New York post, “Before medical school I was really into music.” He has the most beautiful voice, like make you want to cry beautiful.

12. “When I Meander, I Discover”: A Q & A with Dani Shapiro.

13. This Is the Human Behind “Humans of New York.”

14. 22 Perfect Ways To Respond To A Text From Your Ex from BuzzFeed.

15. Wisdom from Mark Van Doren, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”

16. Why I Put Down That Green Smoothie on Elephant Journal.

17. 3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Rock Your World (And Make You Much Happier!) on MindBodyGreen.

18. Letters to the Living No. 5: On Gentleness, Wrestling with a Wounded Angel.

19. 9 Year-Old Spanish Boy Becomes Young Wildlife Photographer Of The Year on Bored Panda.

20. Natty Valencia Fixes Meghan Trainor’s “All About That Bass.”

21. Wisdom from John Muir, (by way of Jessica Patterson), “Earth has no sorrow that earth can not heal.”

22. Brittany Maynard, 29-Year-Old With Terminal Cancer, Explains Why She’s Delaying Ending Her Life. And sadly, just a few days after I watched the latest video, this: Terminally Ill Woman Brittany Maynard Has Ended Her Own Life.

23. This Upsetting Video Shows One Woman’s Street Harassment In A Single Day, and the parody video, This Is What Walking In New York City As A White Man Looks Like, both on BuzzFeed.

24. Beautiful, brutal wisdom from Isabel Abbott, remember and release: a list of love and letting go and Where Memories Dwell.

25. Wisdom from Pema Chödrön,

Bodhichitta is a Sanskrit word that means “noble or awakened heart.” …It is equated, in part, with our ability to love. It is said that in difficult times, it is only bodhichitta that heals. When inspiration has become hidden, when we feel ready to give up, this is the time when healing can be found in the tenderness of pain itself.

26. A Life Enchanted.

27. Gathering my selves from Susannah Conway.

28. 30 Days To Better Hand-Lettering E-Course, shared on Positively Present Picks.

29. This quote about how being an artist is different from being “a lawyer, scholar, mechanist, typist, scientist, production assistant, or what-have-you.”

30. Pen & Ink, Tattoos & The Stories Behind Them on Medium.

31. all of me from Lisa Field-Elliot.

32. Carolyn’s Lovely, Freeing Eating Guide from Rachel Cole.

33. Maintenance: some notes from Jeff Oaks.

34. Not If, But When from Dani Shapiro.

35. Wisdom from David James Duncan,

If we feel the Unspeakable and then try to speak of what we felt, we sound like fools. But if we feel the Unspeakable and don’t speak, we feel like ingrates. I’m inclined toward gratitude. So, foolishly, I speak.

36. what I think you should eat from seed & feather. I can’t agree more with this:

So what do I think people should eat? Here’s the list.
1. Enough.
2. What you need.
3. Whatever you want.

37. How To Exercise Out Of Self-Love And Not Due To Fat-Shaming. Amen.

38. Which reminds me of some of my favorite lines of poetry from Osho,

Don’t move the way fear makes you move.
Move the way love makes you move.
Move the way joy makes you move.

39. The 9 Most Overlooked Threats to a Marriage from Huffington Post.

40. Susan Piver talking about the four noble truths of relationships. So good.