Tag Archives: Mary Lambert

Something Good

branches051. Butternut Squash and White Bean Soup Recipe. I need to try this one. It looks yummy.

2. Talking About Feelings from Adam Kurtz. “For me, talking about feelings just means I’m being honest or open. It means I trust you. I can talk about my fear of death without actually feeling like I’m going to die. But I understand for some, that’s not normal. Being that open is weird. Feelings are private.”

3. It all matters from Alexandra Franzen. “Your words, your actions, your art projects, your efforts, every small, tender, beautiful thing that you put forth into the world matters so much. So much more than you may realize. Every single day, as you go about your work, you have no idea whose life you could be impacting for the better — often, in ways you can’t even imagine.” Go read the rest, please. ❤

4. Word Maven & Story Whisperer: Meet Alexandra Franzen, an interview. “Once or twice a month on Annapurna Living, we spotlight a creative entrepreneur who chooses to do business with integrity and soul. Today, please enjoy our conversation with author, columnist and communication expert, Alexandra Franzen.”

5. New music: Rhodes, and Wet and Laura Mvula.

6. Yoga Nidra Meditation is the Best Kept Secret to Deep Relaxation. This article gives a great overview of the practice and a few examples.

7. 25 Daily Rituals Of History’s Most Successful…And What You Can Learn From Them. A really interesting, helpful list.

8. Want to Create Things That Matter? Be Lazy. Because this, “If you’re driven to produce things that matter, then you need to put deep work at the center of your professional life. To do so will probably require that you become lazier in the Feynman and Stephenson sense of the term: that is, you must treat with sluggish wariness efforts that keep you away from depth, regardless of how many small benefits they promise,” (original share on Susannah Conway’s Something for the Weekend list).

9. 16 Self-Care Experts Share their Tips on How You Can be Kinder To Yourself. What an amazing resource, (original share on Susannah Conway’s Something for the Weekend list).

10. 100 Day Self Connection Experiment, “In this video series, Kyle is going to spend two hours a day with a new self connecting intention. Every day, for 100 days, he is going to make a video about what he is discovering,” (original share on Susannah Conway’s Something for the Weekend list).

11. Good stuff from Austin Kleon’s newsletter, a collection of essays by creative people about their breakthrough moment, and Why I Taught Myself to Procrastinate, an essay by Adam Grant.

12. Where to work: A manifesto, a really great set of expectations. My favorite is you should work where “your health is crucial.”

13. The Oldest Living Things in the World, a really cool photography project from Rachel Sussman. “Since 2004 I’ve been researching, working with biologists, and traveling the world to photograph continuously living organisms 2,000 years old and older.”

14. 36 Pictures To See Which Muscle You’re Stretching. Ever since I did yoga teacher training, this sort of thing fascinates me.

15. No food is healthy. Not even kale.

16. Triskele Paper Globes, a really fun project.

17. Letter of Recommendation: Sick Days, about the importance of doing nothing.

18. How to Rewrite Your Past, Present, and Future, about the importance of journaling.

19. 8 Lessons from 8 Years of Marriage.

20. Watch Mary Lambert’s Video For “Ribcage.” And when you are done with that, watch this one, Mary Lambert – Lay Your Head Down.

21. Resilience from Seth Godin.

22. The 100 best Instagram accounts of 2016.

23. Top 10 procrastination tactics to get you back on track, some good tips from Karen Walrond, because sometimes procrastinating, when done right, actually leads you back to your work.

24. Just what we needed dept: A $25 standing desk. Confession: I still use the cardboard box method.

25. Guy Turns 700 Year Old Abandoned Cave Dwelling Into Vacation Home. I want to go to there…

26. 8 Reasons Why I Don’t Want to Hear About Your Diet.

27. Magical Night Photography Of Tokyo’s Streets by Masashi Wakui. Confession: I have a thing about Japan, the aesthetic, both the ancient and the modern. I want to go to there…

28. Dieting, withdrawal and how meditation pointed out a dangerous addiction from Amanda Bray. Amen.

29. Need an awesome supine sequence to complete your practice? This person is crazy flexible, but this is a great sequence.

30. Andrea Tsurumi: You’ll Never Have “Enough Time.” “New York-based illustrator Andrea Tsurumi doesn’t take the easy way out. Early in her career, she gained experience at a literary agency and a major publisher; these roles carved out a clear cut path in publishing. But instead of growing complacent over the years as an in-house illustrator, Tsurumi opted to strike out on her own as a full-time freelancer.” A really great interview.

31. What would happen if we let people be broken sometimes? from Renegade Mothering.

32. 9 tips for being a better cook, some really great tips from Tree Hugger. One of my favorites is “learn to toast.” This is one of those things where you don’t believe the extra effort will be worth it, but trust me…so worth it.

33. Watch DeRay Mckesson help Stephen Colbert understand white privilege. “What you can do is extend that privilege so you can dismantle it,” Mckesson tells Colbert. “You can create opportunity for people.”

34. Diet Foods Are Tanking. So The Diet Industry Is Now Selling ‘Health.’ This is a frightening, dangerous shift I’ve been watching happen with great interest and concern.

35. Getting Rid Of “Bikini Body” Is A (Baby!) Step. We Have A Long Way To Go.

36. Wednesday Words 1.20.16: A creative recipe. Love the quote and the picture, love the project idea.

37. Wisdom from Mara Glatzel,

You are allowed to rest.
You are allowed to ache with need.
You are allowed to want more even if your life is pretty good right now, simply because it thrills you to imagine it.
You don’t have to have an excuse for wanting, wholly and holy.
You are not needy. You are a human with needs.

38. The Buddha in Obama’s pocket. I miss him already.

39. All the things that softly kill me from Danielle LaPorte.

40. A Simple Life is Not the End Goal, a great reminder on Be More With Less that “We don’t remove the clutter, reduce the stress, and boycott the busyness to have a simple life. We do it to have a life.”

41. Truthbomb #976 from Danielle LaPorte, “Let the pain, the joy, the desire soften you.”

42. What are you doing for others? : 100 great ideas from Positively Present. Seriously, this is my idea of fun.

43. No Toilets for the Homeless by Stacey McKenna. “Living without shelter often means forgoing ‘perks’ like indoor plumbing. Here’s how nearly 600,000 Americans get by.”

44. Wisdom from Andre Dubus, “It is not hard to live through a day if you can live through a moment. What creates despair is the imagination, which pretends there is a future and insists on predicting millions of moments, thousands of days, and so drains you that you cannot live the moment at hand.”

45. How to Roast Garlic. Yum.

46. 15+ Awesome Possums And Opossums. I always thought possums were kind of gross. After looking at these pictures, I’m reconsidering my position.

47. WATCH: Giant Panda Revels In D.C.’s Giant Snowstorm. This was everywhere the past few days, so you may have seen it already, but if you didn’t, I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss it.

48. My Name Is Megan, and I’m an Alcoholic. An important read. I sent it to someone I love, someone who needs to hear over and over until they get it that “At some point, your only two options are quitting, or dying.”

Something Good

Mount McConnel Trail, image by Eric

Mount McConnel Trail, image by Eric

1. Alina Baraz & Galimatias, who I’ve been listening to a lot lately.

2. Wisdom from Jessica Patterson, “If you’re only willing to scratch the surface, you will never satisfy the itch.”

3. A Whole Decade from Brittany Herself.

4. Good stuff on Tricycle: The Mindfulness Solution and Guided Meditation with Venerable Pannavati.

5. 9 Great Yoga YouTube Channels.

6. Medicating Women’s Feelings on The New York Times.

7. List of Emoticons for Facebook, something I use quite a bit.

8. Watch These Young Girls Recite Maya Angelou’s “Phenomenal Woman”… It’s Awesome.

9. Andrea Gibson performs The Nutritionist.

10. She Hasn’t Changed Her Home For 72 Years. When You See What’s Inside, Your Jaw Will Drop!

11. I love myself enough to do what it takes (to get well)- PART 1 of a series about adrenal fatigue, chronic hives, hormone imbalance, weight gain, emotional healing, etc. etc. etc. from Melody Ross of Brave Girls Club.

12. On Knowing Our Own Minds from Dani Shapiro. “Our most creative thoughts and ideas spring from a ritualized dream time. In the absence of this dream time we become mechanized, robotic, detached from our inner lives.” Word.

13. Fuck the lie that we can have it all from Renegade Mothering.

14. Something Wild from Sunni Chapman.

15. Tiny Beautiful Things on Call Me Ishmael.

16. Things Black Men Are Tired Of Hearing.

17. Douglas Adams made me a writer: Neil Gaiman salutes his friend and inspiration.

18. Kindness Blog, “Kindness Images, Videos, True Life Stories, Quotes, Personal Reflections and Meditations. Because Kindness Changes Everything.”

19. Wisdom from the 17th Karmapa,

Sometimes when we practice dharma we think that we need to show some sort of external or physical sign of it. We pay a lot of attention to the rituals and these actions of our body and speech. This is practicing dharma when we’re focusing outside. But instead what we need to do is turn our attention inwards. We need to see whether what we’re doing is functioning as an antidote to the afflictions or not. We need to see whether we are taming our mind or not. We need to see whether our mind is improving, getting kinder, or not. If we don’t look at it in this way then there’s no benefit to doing these actions – we think that we are trying to do the dharma, but actually we are just making a show with our body and speech. We are putting on appearances, and that’s all we really take an interest in. And the moment that happens, this becomes spiritual materialism.

20. Good stuff on Medium: A world without advice, and Cabin Fever (P.S. I’ve seen the documentary mentioned at least four times), and I Know the Rules- I Just Don’t Care, and Parenting Advice: Don’t Kill Them.

21. Wisdom Pema Chödrön, from her book The Wisdom of No Escape: How to Love Yourself and Your World,

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we are already.

22. Their Dying Wishes on The New York Times.

23. You Will Survive from Jack Kornfield.

24. I Eat in the Light Now from Curvy Yoga.

25. A World Gone Mad from Rachel Cole.

26. #continuouspractice – A month and a half in {with a message} from Visible and Real.

27. chocolate chocolate-chip cake, redux: the gluten-free edition on Chookooloonks.

28. UC Berkeley Students Hold Teach-In for Their Racist Professor.

29. Jessamyn Stanley talks about life, yoga as therapy, and internet love and hate on Body Positive Yoga.

30. An Open Letter to Kid Rock About the Word ‘Gay’ on Esquire.

31. A Beautiful Thing on Just Lara.

32. The Real World of the Writing Life on The Missouri Review.

33. He is black. He is privileged. And all of that concerns his parents.

34. The Man Who Snuck Into the Ivy League Without Paying a Thing.

35. Neil Gaiman’s ‘Trigger Warning’, a Sunday Book Review on The New York Times.

36. One Man Holds a PATENT That Could Crush MONSANTO and Change The World.

37. 15 People From Around the World Next to the Amount of Food They Eat Each Day.

38. Spring Breaks from Jeff Oaks.

39. Reexamining the Reblog.

40. Mary Lambert on Embracing Sanity, Remaking ‘Jessie’s Girl’ for Lesbians from Rolling Stone.

41. The Futility of Always Pushing Myself to Be More on Zen Habits.

42. Shared on this was a good week from Chookooloonks: Highlights from Apple’s Favorite Photos Shot with iPhones, and Blue – Color//Colour Lovers, and 22 Contemporary Authors You Absolutely Should Be Reading, and a time lapse of a cactus blooming.

43. Good stuff from Austin Kleon: Interview on the Stacking Benjamins podcast and The So What? Test.

44. Shared on Happy Links: this Instagram account of illustrator Ann-Mari Reigstad.

45. Deaf Man Told To “Look Over There.” When He Does, You’ll Bawl Like A Baby!

46. Navigate Your Life: Chris Zydel from Jennifer Louden.

47. Time lost and found from Anne Lamott.

48. Teachers, are you accidentally shaming your students? How to Make Yoga Class More Inclusive by Amber Karnes.

49. 9 Ways to Feel Less Stress When Life Gets Crazy Busy from Marc and Angel Hack Life.